Black Bird Film is a film company that focuses on rethinking and "film in time". We see challenges as an obvious goal in our projects and are committed to achieving from start to finish.
Close collaborations with pleasure to see success are something we see as part of the development of our projects. We strive to achieve your goals.
We focus on feature films, short films and documentary. Collaborations nationally and internationally.
"Director/author Shaker K. Tahrer skillfully tells three stories interwoven in each other. We have here a name to keep in mind in the future. Excellent actors in all roles. One such actor, Elin Klinga should really be given several leading roles"
- Aftonbladet, Jan-Olov Andersson
"The result is an 80 minute long look into a parallel world which resembles ours exactly but where something is fundamentally different. It’s a bit of fun but also very evil."
- P1 SR, Hannes Fossbo
"In Shaker K Taher’s visually gifted feature film Bloody Boys, there is no fear of being serious. The acting of Elin Klinga, Jacob Nordenson and the ung talent Tom Ljungman (Patrik 1,5) is griping and convincing."
- GP, MatsJohnson
“The stories are entwined in each other. They are skillfully composed and well-presented. A film created in Bergsjön, a suburb to Gothenburg, without cultural financial support from the normal channels and a most impressive debut from the director Shaker Tahrer .”
- Expressen, Bernt Eklund